On 4/1/2013 10:24 PM, Kenneth Russell wrote:
On Sun, Mar 31, 2013 at 1:42 PM, Kevin Gadd <kevin.g...@gmail.com> wrote:
One could also argue that people using typed arrays to alias and munge
individual values should be using DataView instead. If it performs poorly,
that can hopefully be addressed in the JS runtimes (the way it's specified
doesn't seem to prevent it from being efficient).
Agreed. DataView's methods are all simple and should be easy to
optimize. Because they include a conditional byte swap, they can't run
quite as fast as the typed arrays' accessors -- but they shouldn't
need to.
Side note: in theory they could run extremely fast, as long as the endianness parameter was a constant. Since you generally know the format of the data coming over the network, it should be except in rare cases. The implementation knows the native endianness and can just choose the right load/store variant when generating JIT code for the call. However, they can also read from unaligned offsets, and so that will slow things down a bit. Either way -- they could be much faster than they are now.

     - Vlad

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