why is that?

void   forEach(mapCB);

if that's to make it consistent with Array#forEach you should accept the
context argument in both map and forEach too?

However, I don't get why this should not work:


Said that, I think is quite good after some renaming, but probably you need
to write some more concrete example?


had already thoughts about a possible

$(obj).on('loadStatus', updateLoadingUI); ^__^

naaaaa, just kidding

On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 4:38 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. <jackalm...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Condensing my suggestions for additional variants into one small post:
> * EventStream is an abstraction to represent streams of events as a
> first-class value.  It's lossy, and forgets about its history.
> (Though we probably want a switch allowing it to at least remember its
> history before the first listener is attached.)  It's multi-listener.
> This will be used for event-like interfaces that don't need the
> complexity of DOM Events (because they're not tree-based).  I think we
> should also allow a way to extract an EventStream from *any*
> element/event pair - the stream is updated whenever an event
> successfully reaches the element without being cancelled by an
> ancestor.
> * UpdateStream is an EventStream specifically focused on watching
> updates of some given value.  When you add a new listener, the stream
> replays its most recent update to the new listener.  It adds a
> .value() function, which is identical to .next() but also gets the
> most recent update replayed first.  It's multi-listener, and probably
> also wants the remember-initial-history switch.)  This is intended for
> something like my proposal for "UpdateStream.watch(object, property)",
> which turns *any* JS property into an event stream of value changes.
> (This can be built on top of Object.observe, so there's nothing
> fundamentally new there.)
> * ValueStream is a single-listener non-lossy stream.  Only one
> .listen() callback can be active at a time; trying to call .listen()
> again before the first is unlistened throws an error.  If there's no
> listener, .next() can be used to pull values out of the stream in
> succession without loss. Successive calls to .next() return successive
> values from the stream.  (This is unlike EventStream, where multiple
> .next() calls in the same tick will return equivalent futures for
> whatever the very next value is.)  This is intended for a lot of
> general use-cases, like pulling tokens out of a token stream.
> Have I missed any major use-cases?
> ~TJ
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