Ok, so (after pushing back based on recorded consensus, which I think is fair), I'm ok with

* Object.prototype.__proto__ is configurable.

* o = {__proto__: p} semantics changes from ES5's [[Put]] to ES6's [[SetInheritance]].

I'm not sure everyone agrees, but let's assume these two.

Why, given these, must Object.prototype.__proto__ not reflect at all via Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor? What about Object.getOwnPropertyNames? We have to sink some cost somewhere, and TC39 had a January near-consensus of "accessor, with get and set functions that throw on cross-realm |this| vs. the accessor function". That seems the best solution to me still, and it should fall out of cross-window/frame wrapper policy hooks fairly cheaply in SpiderMonkey.

Re: Mark's

3) If we extend object literals with the computed name expression
square-bracket syntax, consider

     { [ e ]: .... }

where e is an expression that evaluates to the string "__proto__".
This *must not* fall into the equivalent of the syntactic special case. To do so is to move the encoding error of #2 from code-generating programs to regular JS reflective programs.

I agree with Mark. This does indeed mean that

  n = "__proto__";
  o = { [n]: p }

will define a data property, not set inheritance. That's the only way quoting can matter, i.e.

  o = { ['__proto__']: p }

defines a plain old data property. No need to mimic JSON and make a quoted vs. unquoted difference without the [] for computed property names. Making that change requires a search of the web to find disproof, which is never a complete search, which leaves us hanging and makes implementors unhappy to take unknown risk.

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