Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
I still think that burdening the
call-site with the need to pull a future out of the object like that
(even though, yes, the object itself will be optimized out by future
VMs) is too much.

This started (for me) when you wrote:

> It would be so nice if JS had multiple return values, so we could let cancellable future-returning APIs just return a naked resolver as their second value,

But now that I've pointed out JS has multiple return values, you're not happy :-P.

Don't worry about VMs, it's not important to fret about their poor lot in life. Premature optimization is root of evil and all that. If this case (or the Proxy.revocable one) became important enough for functions to look into their continuation and optimize away their returned object, VM'll do that.

Having to name the properties is good, it makes the API self-describing.

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