On May 10, 2013, at 7:18 AM, Andreas Rossberg <rossb...@google.com> wrote:

> Can you explain how one form of module declaration is easier to "move
> around"? In a single script there surely is no difference.

Clients of a module can write:

    import { f } from "foo";

and regardless of how the module "foo" is shipped -- in a separate file or with 
an explicit module declaration in a bundled file -- the client code is 
unperturbed. This means that a single package can easily be deployed with any 
number of files without affecting client code.

> OK, perhaps I am under wrong assumptions about the semantics of
> ondemand. I assumed that when you first import a module that has been
> registered via ondemand, the respective script will be executed,
> recursively, and then linking of the outer script continues, taking
> the updated loader environment into account.

OK, this is a big difference between your imagined system and the current one. 
The current system does not execute modules until dependencies have been 
fetched and linked -- I explained this in the March meeting. (The .ondemand 
method is sort of a distraction; it's nothing more than an API convenience 
layered upon the underlying resolution hook.) This means that cyclic 
dependencies work, and dependencies are resolved statically across multiple 
files, causing a full static dependency graph to be concurrently fetched.

What you describe has a sharp distinction between packages and modules, where 
packages cannot have cyclic dependencies, must be dynamically loaded and 
registered, and are composed only of lexically scoped modules. What this seems 
to mean is, to implement a package (such as a library, application, or 
component of an application), you have to choose from one of three options:

- implement the package in one big file.
- implement the package in multiple files via some extension to ECMAScript 
(e.g., include) that requires a tool to assemble it back together in a single 
file with only lexical modules.
- split the package into smaller packages, each comprising only one or at least 
very few modules, forgo any cyclic dependencies, and effectively get little to 
no benefit from lexical modules.

Please do tell me if I'm missing something, because all of the above scenarios 
seem obviously impractical. In particular, it's a necessity that the system 
should work well out of the box, with no additional tools. Obviously large and 
sophisticated applications will be willing to buy into additional 
infrastructure, but you should certainly be able to put a package's modules in 
separate files without build tools.


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