Details on the JSON RFC should probably be directed towards We 
don't want to leave our IETF friends out of the loop.

On this list we should probably confine the discussion to the 
serializer/deserializer that is part of the ES specification. 

Joining the  IETF list is easy and open to anyone:

Greetings. As you are probably aware, the IETF is doing a revision to RFC 4627, 
the document that defines JSON for the Internet. That work is just beginning, 
and if any members of TC39 would like to participate in it, getting involved 
early would be a benefit to everyone.

Information on the IETF working group that is doing the work (which is boringly 
called the "JSON Working Group") can be found at 
<>. "Joining" an IETF WG is simply 
the act of subscribing to the mailing list; that information is at 
<>. Participating is simply reading 
the list and sending messages as appropriate (and there is a fair amount of 
latitude of "appropriate").

In the IETF, each person "represents" themselves, and not their employer or 
another group, so there is no "IBM representative" or "ECMA representative". 
Each participant has a say in the process without regard to whatever 
organization they may belong to.  Documents move forward with rough consensus 
from the participants, so participating early and often will help smooth this 
work's acceptance in both the IETF and ECMA.

Given the joint-but-still-loose cooperation on this project, Matt and I (the 
co-chairs of the JSON WG) would like to have any TC39 folks who want to be part 
of the IETF work to join so that you can express opinions and be part of the 
consensus process. If you have trepidation about doing so, you can get in touch 
with Matt and I off-line. If you want to read what most IETF newcomers read, 
please see <>  (of which I happen to be the 
editor), but don't feel obliged in the least to read the whole thing.

--Paul Hoffman=

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