I've often looked at Promise#then() as sugar over Promise#done() for something 

Promise.prototype.then = function(resolve, reject) {
  return new Promise(resolver => {
      value => {
        try {
          resolver.resolve(resolve ? resolve(value) : value);
        catch (e) {
      err => {
        try {
          resolver.resolve(reject ? reject(value) : value);
        catch (e) {

Promise#done() doesn't have the overhead that Promie#then does (allocating a 
new chained Promise), so it is more efficient if you don't need to chain. It 
feels easier to be more explicit with done then without, since to polyfill done 
requires calling something like setImmediate to raise the error to the 
engine/window.onerror, since throwing it in the reject handler would just 
result in a new rejected Promise.

If we had an 'await' keyword I might find the need for done to be less 
important, as it would be easy to write "await p" to bubble the exception to 
user code. Although, 'await' would also be more efficient with 'done' rather 
than 'then'.

If Promise#done is out, a polyfill could just have an array of unhandled 
exceptions that could be analyzed programmatically in user code or via the 

Sent from Windows Mail

From: Mark S. Miller
Sent: ?Tuesday?, ?June? ?18?, ?2013 ?8?:?14? ?PM
To: Domenic Denicola
Cc: es-discuss

On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 8:11 PM, Domenic Denicola 
<dome...@domenicdenicola.com<mailto:dome...@domenicdenicola.com>> wrote:
From: Mark S. Miller [mailto:erig...@google.com<mailto:erig...@google.com>]

> I don't understand this. I am onboard with 
> `console.unhandledRejection`/`console.rejectionHandled` and all that for 
> better logging, and with using WeakRef notification to improve the logging 
> yet further. But I don't see how any of this can substitute for the need that 
> .done() serves. I think we will still need .done() in ES7 promises.

While I think I see what you're getting at,

What do you think I'm getting at? ;)

 let me play devil's advocate for a bit to draw this out more clearly. Using 
the sample code from 

var rejectPromise;
var promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => rejectPromise = reject);

promise.then(() => console.log("I only attached a handler for fulfillment"));
// All is OK (A)

rejectPromise(promise, new Error("who handles me?"));
// Nobody sees the error! Oh no, maybe we should crash here? (B)

setTimeout(function () {
    promise.then(undefined, (err) =>console.error("I got it!", err));
    // But if we crashed there, then how would this code ever get run? (C)
}, 5000);

Using a `done`-less promise implementation with a unhandled rejections console, 
we have the flow that:

1. At line (A), all is fine, and the unhandled rejections console is empty.
2. At line (B), the unhandled rejections console contains `Errror: "who handles 
me?"`. This remains true for the next five seconds.
3. At line (C), after five seconds have passed, the unhandled rejections 
console becomes yet again empty.

This seems to neatly solve the problem without `done`, at least in my 
devil's-advocate world. Where's the problem? :)

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