On Jul 25, 2013 3:30 PM, "Brandon Benvie" <bben...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> On 7/25/2013 1:31 PM, Erik Arvidsson wrote:
>> https://gist.github.com/arv/0bbb184710016e00d56c
>> The main goal of this proposal is to let us postpone the discussion
>> about private state until ES7, making sure that we solve the main use
>> cases.
> Differences from Symbols:
> * enumerable

This is the only one I feel is relevant.

> * visible to Object.getOwnPropertyNames

Symbols are also visible (using getOwnPropertyKeys)

> * no way to differentiate a unique string from any other string

There is no difference.

You could use a RegExp if you care (you should not care).

> * no easy debug representation (since you can't differentiate from a

Just print the string. Using symbols you would need to use symbol.name.

For debuggers and dev tools, they can always special case. But that applies
to both.

> I'm curious why the desire to not have unique symbols? I was under the
impression that private Symbols or relationships or whatever could be
punted without affecting unique Symbols, which serve a different use case
(name spacing and encapsulation, not security). This proposal covers name
spacing while ignoring encapsulation.
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