Erik Arvidsson wrote:
On Wed, Jul 31, 2013 at 10:38 AM, Mark S. Miller<>  wrote:
Only useful for instance-private instance variables, in which case you
may as well use lexically captured per-instance state.
Also useful for methods where different subclasses needs to specialize the

We've tripped on the method use case before. Let's not repeat that
Hi Erik, I'm missing your point. Could you give an example? Thanks.

I was thinking private unique symbols. I see now that I misunderstood
what Brendan wrote.

Brendan, could you expand those ellipses in your example?

I was thinking the same thing and fell into the "unique scope-confined" trap. I agree it's too easy to leak non-private symbols via reflection, but it wasn't clear Mark was making that point (closure-pattern didn't seem relevant, still doesn't...).

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