> Tiny bike-shed-ish comment that we need a linking punctuator so that
> arrow function syntax can be extended likewise:
> var f = function (x, y) : (z) {...}
> Arrow form showing expression body:
> var f = (x, y) : (z) => x*y/z;

FWIW, I like the semi colon. However, I prefer 

|    function(x,y):safe(z) { ... }
|    (x,y):safe(z) => ...

because it enables further markdown annotation to functions, and I'm pretty 
sure we will want some more in the future. 

I don't know, crazy things like 
|    function(x,y):tail(...) 
for tail-recursion-desired functions, or 
|    function(x,y):local(...)
for functions that can run on the same callstack because they can only get 
called during their closure lifetime (they throw otherwise).


The brackets syntax looks reasonable, too, with an optional prelude:

|    function(x,y)[z] { ... }
|    (x,y)[z] => ...

Extensible to:
|    function(x,y)[tail(...)] 
for tail-recursion-desired functions, or 
|    function(x,y)[local(...)]
 functions that can run on the same callstack because they can only get 
called during their closure lifetime (they throw otherwise).                    
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