On 14/10/2013, at 17:20, David Bruant wrote:

> How much are we trying to save with the bundling proposal? 200ms? 300ms? Is 
> it really worth it? I feels like we're trying to solve a first-world problem.

I think that the savings depend very much on the latency. For example from 
where I am to Brazil the latency (round-trip) is almost 500 ms, so if I could 
bundle 60 files in a .zip instead of requesting them in series (say at max 6 in 
parallel), the page would load in a little more than 500 ms instead of in 10 

You can also think about it this way: the price per request with 500 ms of 
latency, is 500kB on a 1 megabyte per second ADSL, or 1 megabyte in a 2 
megabyte/s ADSL, etc. So for 60 requests it's 30 or 60 megabytes.

Yes a server could perhaps fix that for me almost transparently, but with this 
I could as well fix it all by myself.
( Jorge )();
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