I think you may have mixed up a few things:

1. JSON does not recognize '__proto__' per its unchanging spec, and so parsing that identifier makes an own data property.

2. var obj = {__proto__: proto}; is a special form, unlike any other identifier __proto__ as the literal property name does assign (set) not a define.

3. Annex B.2.2.1 defines an accessor on Object.prototype, which if unshadowed will be got or set when used by name on objects that actually delegate to Object.prototype. It's also delete-able (configurable), important for SES and the like.


Andrea Giammarchi <mailto:andrea.giammar...@gmail.com>
October 14, 2013 1:53 PM
 `JSON` serialization <=  `JSON` parse

Andrea Giammarchi <mailto:andrea.giammar...@gmail.com>
October 14, 2013 1:53 PM
Then I might have confused what decided with `JSON` serialization where `"__proto__"` will be a property and not a setter, neither a getter once deserialized.

Is this correct? Yeah, I remember that different accessors looked weird to me too ... thanks for clarification.

Best Regards

Brendan Eich <mailto:bren...@mozilla.com>
October 14, 2013 1:43 PM

What you just wrote is not true of __proto__ in SpiderMonkey or other engines I can test (V8, JSC).

It also can't be true via ES6 Annex B, since obj[key] and obj.foo where key = 'foo' both lookup prototype properties and will find Object.prototype.foo.

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Andrea Giammarchi <mailto:andrea.giammar...@gmail.com>
October 14, 2013 1:32 PM
I meant that IIRC `obj["__proto__"]` should not invoke that Annex B specified getter (@Benjamin, Annex B is where you'll find everything related indeed) but `obj.__proto__` will ... unless once again I've missed some update.

Yeah, I know that you link stuff, and glad you made some time for extra clarification.


Brendan Eich <mailto:bren...@mozilla.com>
October 14, 2013 1:22 PM
Andrea Giammarchi wrote:
__Current Status__

(Thanks for the dunders! :-P)

Instead of formalizing its form, ES6 accepted `Object.setPrototypeOf` as described in specs and decided to silently move beside, but still have in specs, the dunder `__proto__` form, fixing at least a couple of related gotchas so that:

* unless explicitly set as property, `__proto__` is a named property for every object that should not affect inheritance so that `obj["__proto__"]` or `obj[key]` where `key` is the string `"__proto__"` should not hot/swap the prototypal chain

I'm not sure what you mean here, but first, __proto__ is not specified in ES6 drafts as an own property. See



Object.prototype.__proto__ is an accessor property with attributes { [[Enumerable]]: false, [[Configurable]]: true }. The [[Get]] and [[Set]] attributes are defined as follows

  get Object.prototype.__proto__

The value of the [[Get]] attribute is a built-in function that requires no arguments. It performs the following steps:

 1. Let /O/ be the result of calling ToObject
    passing the *this* value as the argument.
 2. ReturnIfAbrupt
 3. Return the result of calling the [[GetPrototypeOf]] internal
    method of /O/.

  set Object.prototype.__proto__

The value of the [[Set]] attribute is a built-in function that takes an argument proto. It performs the following steps:

 1. Let /O/ be CheckObjectCoercible
 2. ReturnIfAbrupt
 3. If Type
    is neither Object or Null, then return /proto/.
 4. If Type
    is not Object, then return /proto/.
 5. Let /status/ be the result of calling the [[SetPrototypeOf]]
    internal method of /O/ with argument /proto/.
 6. ReturnIfAbrupt
 7. If /status/ is *false*, then throw a *TypeError* exception.
 8. Return /proto/.

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