Kevin I have no idea which library you are using but if you do this:

    fetchUri("";).then(response => {
        for (let header of repsonse.heders) // Note the misspelling!
            console.log(header.key, header.value);
    }).then(Object, function error(e) {

Wouldn't that solve your problem?

Another thing worth trying is a generic window.on('error') handler ?
Wouldn't that notify you ? That does not solve the broken flow but it
should be an exit point to at least debug or notify problems, am I
missing/misunderstanding something?

Thanks for any extra hint, apologies if I cannot help further :-/

On Mon, Oct 21, 2013 at 1:39 PM, Domenic Denicola <> wrote:

> You have been given examples in several previous conversations, but have
> chosen to not find them convincing. I (and others) tire of rehashing this
> argument with you monthly.
> I instead responded to the novel content of your post, which was some sort
> of attempt to claim that a language feature allowing Turing-undecidable
> control flow means it is not a desirable language feature. Now that I have
> shown how "patently ridiculous" such a claim is, I do not feel a need to
> switch the conversation back to your usual line of inquiry. Perhaps others
> will take you up on it.
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