First off, this whole concept is brilliant. Thanks for sharing, Russell.
Just a few comments inline...

On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 2:13 AM, Russell Leggett

>> > I can see most of your examples involve the interaction between the
>> protocol method and a method supplied on the object itself... They
>> definitely complicate things... I guess I would say that I would have this
>> throw an error. ... Skipping foo on the object because its not a function
>> seems too magical.
>> Skipping `foo` on the object because it is not a function is too magical
>> in my opinion too. Working out how instance methods work in this scenario
>> seems like quite the task to me. The step of putting the protocol _between_
>> the object and the prototype sounds pretty hard to get right in particular.
>> I don't like thinking of reading from the prototype (as in the case of
>> fetching a method) any differently from reading from the own object. After
>> all sharing functionality is at the very core of prototypical inheritance.
> Yeah, I'm not exactly married to it, but I liked the idea of being able to
> override at the instance level, therefore giving own properties highest
> priority.

I think the idea of overriding at the instance level is appealing too, but
doesn't dispatching on a string key open the door to the kinds of naming
conflicts the concept so elegantly solves otherwise? One possible solution
might be for the protocol to also expose a symbol for each method that
could be used to override at the instance level.

I'd go further and suggest that it should walk the prototype too, since
adding a specific symbol from a protocol would be a very intentional
action. This might be a bit of a perf burden in naive implementations but
it seems like the right thing -- there's something a little off about
intervening between instance and prototype lookup. The whole point of the
prototype is that it's a default logic -- attempting to short circuit this
just smells wrong.

>> >> ---- Case 3:
>> > Ah, yes, I had thought about this a bit, but it had never made it into
>> my gist at all. Let me revise my algorithm:
>> > 4. true - use
>> This makes some sense. About scope resolution more generally I just want
>> to make a note that in C# extension methods, the extension method is always
>> the _last_ candidate. It would check anywhere in the inheritance chain
>> _before_ attempting to evaluate the extension method. For example:
>>    ```
>>     public class Bar
>>     {
>>         public int GetFive() { return 5;}
>>     }
>>     public class Foo : Bar{}
>>     public static class FooExt
>>     {
>>         static int GetFive(this Foo bar)
>>         {
>>             return 5555;
>>         }
>>         static string ToString(this Foo bar)
>>         {
>>             return "Hi";
>>         }
>>     }
>>      static void Main(string[] args)
>>         {
>>             Console.WriteLine((new Foo()).GetFive()); // this prints 5
>>             Console.WriteLine(new Foo())); // Uses the implementation of
>> Object.ToString .
>>         }
>>     ```
>> This is a major difference between this proposal and C# extension
>> methods. However, I'm not sure it's bad. Would you mind making an argumnt
>> for prioritizing the protocol method over an object method?
> Well I would start by pointing out that the two really are different
> mechanisms with different strengths and weaknesses. Protocols are more than
> a means of extension - they are also polymorphic and can really take
> advantage of the equivalent of interfaces across data types in addition to
> their extension. In a way, they are more similar to Haskell typeclasses
> than extension methods. There is also the obvious difference that protocols
> can be efficiently implemented in a dynamic language where extension
> methods cannot :)
> So anyway, the reason why prioritizing protocols is because there is
> potential value in the protocol itself. The protocol *is* an interface - a
> contract which can be polymorphic over different types. The same way that
> two protocols can have methods with the same name but different semantics,
> it would make sense that a protocol could be defined, and need to be
> applied to a type that already has the method. There is value for the
> protocol version to override the type's built in version. Because there is
> no ambiguity in the intent of using the protocol instead of the prototype,
> I think protocol should win. C# uses uniform syntax so the intent cannot be
> known if the extension method was intended vs the type's method. Even
> interfaces in the Java/C# worlds can't handle that type of clashing. If two
> interfaces have methods with the same name and signature, you can only have
> a single implementation. In those languages it is rarely a problem because
> of the ability for overloading, but with JavaScript its just one name, one
> method.
> I'm not opposed to simplifying the algorithm, and perhaps protocol methods
> should always take a backseat similar to C#, but that just doesn't seem
> right to me. If I create a protocol with a map method and I define it for
> Array, I would expect that to take priority, no? You're directly calling
> arr::map not - maybe its a ParallelCollection protocol and you want
> to override map to be parallel with web workers or something.

I agree that is questionable for protocol walking, but it's just as
questionable on the instance because of possible name conflicts!

If override used symbols, on the other hand, something like
`arr[]` makes it clear the intent was to override
`arr::map` (assuming `map` is derived from `myProtocol` in this scope,
obviously). This also seems to beg for a prototype walk for
``, finally falling back on the default
implementation given for the protocol.

This bridges the FP and OOP worlds beautifully -- it's a clean and pleasant
syntax for intensional semantics.
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