Note that these proposed changes are now reflected in the Object.observe
spec text:

On Thu, Oct 17, 2013 at 3:09 PM, Rafael Weinstein <>wrote:

> At the September meeting, the committee discussed Object.observe. Below is
> a summary of the feedback, along with proposed changes to the spec.
> 1) Inconsistent naming of changeRecord types
> The spec currently defines the following types: 'new', 'updated',
> 'deleted', 'reconfigured', 'prototype' & 'splice',
> Proposed change: Make changeRecord types all be present tense:  'add',
> 'update', 'delete', 'reconfigure', 'setPrototype', 'splice'
> 2) An object becoming non-extensible isn't observable
> Proposed change: Add a 'preventExtensions' type.
> 3) Concern about namespace collisions of future change type.
> Proposed change: None. Adding an explicit namespace to changeRecords is
> overkill. Future objects will simply need to ensure that added type names
> are unique.
> 4) notifier.performChange should allow a returned object from its changeFn
> to be used as the notification object. E.g.
>   notifier.performChange('embiggened', () => {
>     this.width *= amount;
>     this.height *= amount;
>     return {
>       amount: amount
>     };
>   });
> as short hand for
> embiggin: function(int amount) {
>   notifier.performChange('embiggened', () => {
>     this.width *= amount;
>     this.height *= amount;
>   });
>   notifier.notify({
>     type: 'embiggened',
>     amount: amount
>   });
> }
> Proposed change: Support this. If the return value of the changeFn is an
> object, then emit a notification on the notifier's |target| with the same
> type as that used for the performChange.
> 5) If a changeFn provided to performChange throws before completion, an
> observer who accepts the performed change type won't get precise
> information about which parts of the modification succeeded.
> Proposed Change: None. The concern here about fault tolerance here is
> valid. The problem is that a central motivation of the performChange
> mechanism is performance, and the solution to this problem negates the main
> performance benefit -- the ability in common cases to avoid the accounting
> costs of generating the information for the lower-level changes. IOW, in
> order to have failure result in the higher-level observer hearing about the
> succeeded portion of the lower-level mutations, the system will have to
> incur much of the cost of generating these records in all cases.
> The bright spot here is that the success criteria that Mark proposed still
> likely holds in that if a full mirror is maintained via observation, and
> operations are deterministic, then the failure will occur on both sides in
> the same way and the two sides will stay in sync.
> 6) Object.observe(obj, callback, opt_acceptList) implements a JS
> antipattern: the callback argument isn't in the final position.
> Proposed change: None. Use of the final argument will be *extremely* rare.
> It's mostly there so that domain objects can expose custom observe methods
> which specify the correct accept types, e.g.
> Array.observe =~ function(object, callback) {
>   return Object.observe(object, callback, ['add', 'update', 'delete',
> 'splice'])
> }
> There are three possible solutions to this concern: (1) make callback the
> final argument, (2) Object.observe should take an arguments object, and (3)
> Have Object.observe type check the second argument looking for either a
> function or an array (support implicit multiple call signatures).
> I'm interested in other's thoughts on this, but given the likely rarity of
> providing the final argument, none of these seems like an improvement.
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