On Thu, Dec 19, 2013 at 4:04 AM, Benjamin (Inglor) Gruenbaum <
ing...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > Array.of sounds expressive only for native speakers.
> English is not my first language and it sounded expressive to me. I've
> asked 5 random friends that code and they all said it sounded fine to them.
> While that's not real evidence, it still shows that the "only" doesn't hold
> here.

Could you ask what's your and your friend's native language?

> > The only valid use case of Array.of is high-order function.
> No it's not. The main use case I see is converting array like structures
> (like NodeLists) to arrays without having to do that dirty
> `Array.prototype.splice.call` call:
>     Array.of(document.querySelectorAll(".bar"))

Oops, it should be Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.bar')).

> Higher order functions are a real use case but for sure not the only one.
> I completely agree with Rick that fromElements is confusing for the API
> __especially__ that creating an array out of actual DOM Elements _is_ a use
> case and it implies that it only works for _that_ use case.

I already give some alternatives. Just choose what you like.

> Like I said, the _optimal_ thing would have been to be able to do
> `Array(arrayLike)` and have it "just work" and create a new array from that
> collection (like collections tend to do in Java, C#, Python etc) but it's
> too late for that. That breaks ES (Array([1]) returns [[1]]). Array.of
> seems very close of that, you make an array of the items passed. The fact
> it's a static method makes it very clear that that's what it does IMO
> (although personally I'd favor putting it somewhere else).
So could I use your misunderstanding of Array.of/from as a example that
Array.of is a bad name? :)
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