> The ES6 class specification originally made  prototype methods (we didn't 
> have static methods at the time) non-enumerable.
> That was changed at the Sept 19, 2012 TC39 meeting 
> https://mail.mozilla.org/pipermail/es-discuss/2012-September/025231.html

It may make sense if enumerability was repurposed as a runtime flag for privacy 
(in the sense of “you don’t need to know about this property/method”). That 
would nicely complement TypeScript’s static-only (= non-runtime) `private` 
keyword. It’s one of the two – largely orthogonal – use cases I see for privacy:

1. Completely protecting data from “external” access. In ES6, one can use 
WeakMaps and closures for this.
2. Encapsulation: Hide internal properties from sight, document internal-ness. 
If it’s advisory only then you can still write “friend” functions etc, without 
too much of a fuss.

### I’m looking for a simple explanation of what enumerability will be, going 
forward. If there isn’t one then I’d argue that no new feature should be 
influenced by it.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

home: rauschma.de
twitter: twitter.com/rauschma
blog: 2ality.com

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