Mark Roberts wrote:

    Wanting something value-ish, featureless, monadic, is a good goal
    for a differently named abstraction built on value objects.
    Promises are not that abstraction. Do the work to show the win,
    under a new name (Future?).

I believe the win has already been shown, though: "Futures" would of course give you the same thing Promises do while supporting those additional use cases where you don't want recursive unwrapping.

No. Future as a featureless value object would not have any of the identity-based problems reference types including Promises have. It would become its result when fulfilled. You would not be able to do much with a Future other than "then" it. There would be no thenable assimilation via duck-typing of thenables.

    #2: combinators such as .all do not use .chain, they use .then

Is this such a big deal? If you have .chain then you have .then, so you can certainly "have it all".

That .then would be based on .chain is irrelevant. Anyone using .all would not get .chain and would potentially depend on all the .then magic. Purists trying to use only .chain would need to write their own .chainAll, etc., which would not be in the standard.

    Imagine we simplified to do just .chain and .cast, and combinators
    called .chain. We'd be breaking compatibility with extant promises

IMO, leave .all and the rest of the combinators as they are using .then. I would not mind so long as .chain is intact.

See above. This does not wash unless you aren't using combinators at all, or you are rolling your own -- in which case we have a bloated "do both" forked standard.

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