On 10 Feb 2014, at 10:30, Michael Dyck <jmd...@ibiblio.org> wrote:

> On a more meta level, do the process plans for ES7 include any new
> mechanisms for:
> (a) submitting comments on spec drafts, or
> (b) reducing the number of errors in spec drafts to begin with?

If only the spec were maintained in a plain text-based format (like Markdown or 
even HTML) it would be easy to host its repository on, say, GitHub, which would 
enable commenting on inline diffs (= perfect for pointing out small typos 
etc.). That way, it would also be possible to link to specific lines in a 
specific revision of the spec. Those things would already avoid a lot of 
overhead currently present when filing bugs IMHO. 

This brings us back to the good old let’s-stop-using-a-Word-document discussion.
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