On Feb 10, 2014, at 8:55 AM, John Barton <johnjbar...@google.com> wrote:

> Indeed, however, this herring is only red on one fin: the mutability of 
> System is not limited to the registry and in fact every aspect of the System 
> is mutable. As far as I can tell, a mutation to say normalize or locate is 
> entirely unpredictable without runtime tracing.  Unless I am wrong about 
> this, we should not ignore this herring just because of a small botch of red.

OK, I see what you're saying. I'm just not as concerned because configuring the 
loader is not something everyone should be doing. It's effectively 
application-wide configuration.

> Did we give up on <script type='module'>?

Didn't give up, no (modulo OT details). But there will always be contexts like 
<button onclick="..."> that are defined to be a script, not a module.


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