Note that `Array.from(str)` and `str[Symbol.iterator]` overlap
significantly.  In particular, it's somewhat awkward to iterate over
code points using `String#symbolAt`; it's much easier to use
`substr()` and then use the StringIterator.
ps. I see that Domenic has said something similar.

On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 11:34 PM, Mathias Bynens <> wrote:
> Allen mentioned that `String#at` might not make it to ES6 because nobody in 
> TC39 is championing it. I’ve now asked Rick if he would be the champion for 
> this, and he agreed. (Thanks again!)
> Looking over the ‘TC39 progress’ document at 
> <>,
>  it seems most of the work is already taken care of: the use case was 
> discussed in this thread, the proposal has a complete spec text, and there’s 
> an example implementation/polyfill with unit tests. See <>.
> Is there anything else I can do to help get this included as a 
> non-TC39-member?
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