On Feb 14, 2014, at 11:38 AM, Jeremy Martin wrote:

> On further reflection, #3 does feel like trying to rewrite the past.  For 
> better or worse, non-strict mode allows declarations to persist past the 
> eval().  And while strict mode provides a license-to-kill on behavior like 
> that, I don't really see strong justification for that kind of surprise 
> factor for let in non-strict mode.
> If you're not using strict mode AND you're using eval(), the damage is 
> arguably already done (or at least the danger already exists).  Changing the 
> behavior of let in this case feels like removing an arbitrary* foot-gun when 
> we're already in the armory, so to speak.
> * Granted it's not completely arbitrary, since `let` is new whereas `var` is 
> not, but hopefully you get my point.

Another consideration in the back of my mind is that there may be useful to 
implementors to knowing that let/const/class declaration are never dynamically 
added to a non-global environment. 

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