On Fri, Feb 14, 2014 at 6:21 AM, Anne van Kesteren <ann...@annevk.nl> wrote:
> To be clear, we fixed this. And we will be going ahead and shipping
> promises in Firefox 29. Too many dependencies at this point to hold of
> longer.

Since both Chrome and FIrefox have plans to support Promises, feel
free to suggest any changes to `es6-shim` which would improve
compatibility.  It looks like that at the moment the `es6-shim`
implementation is more spec-compliant than either of the shipping
implementations?  In particular, we support subclasses.

At the moment we don't do any feature tests beyond "does Promise exist
in the global environment".  For Map and Set we actually do some very
specific bug-based tests to workaround old shipping implementations
that aren't spec-compliant.  So I'd also love to hear specifically
about any bugs or missing features in your shipping implementation so
that we can feature-test and workaround them.

Finally, I have started `prfun` (https://github.com/cscott/prfun) as
AFAIK the first "es6-compatible" promise package.  That is, it assumes
the presence of basic ES6 spec-compliant Promises and concentrates on
adding features on top of that, using only the published API.  It
includes an implementation of `Promise.bind` using subclasses, in
ES5-compatible syntax.  It has a rather extensive test suite, borrowed
from `bluebird`, `when`, and `q`.  Feedback on `prfun` (including
suggestions for better names!) is invited.
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