Importing is nothing like destructuring. You import mutable bindings; you don't 
do assignment. I'm very glad that different syntax is used for each case.

From: Mark Volkmann <>
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2014 10:19
To: Kevin Smith
Cc: Domenic Denicola;
Subject: Re: module exports

I understand it's hard to make changes after a certain point. It's too bad 
though that developers will have to remember that the way to import a few 
things from a module is:

import {foo, bar} from 'somewhere';

but the way to import the whole module is:

module SomeModule from 'somewhere';

instead of

import SomeModule from 'somewhere';

It just seems so clean to say that if you want to import something, you always 
use the "import" keyword.

On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 9:12 AM, Kevin Smith 
<<>> wrote:
    export { foo as default };

I fail to see why sugar over this form is necessary.

I completely agree. Plus if this is taken away then the "import" keyword can be 
used to get the whole module as in my example above. At that point maybe there 
is no need for the "module" keyword.

Maybe, but at this point that would be too big of a change to swallow.  I think 
if we can just focus on eliminating this one pointless and confusing aspect 
(the export default [expr] form), we'll be good to go.

R. Mark Volkmann
Object Computing, Inc.
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