On Fri, Mar 14, 2014 at 12:24 PM, Kevin Smith <zenpars...@gmail.com> wrote:

>>   var f = function a() {};
>>   a(); // nope.
> Sure, note the equals (which is my point).
>>  var D = class C {};
>> And no one would expect to be able to this:
>>   var c = new C();
> Same thing. Note the equals, which gives the reader the necessary visual
> cue that we are entering an AssignmentExpression context.

What about the following:

Functions with return AssignmentExpression that include "=" and without--are
the ones without also confusing without the "necessary" visual cue?

  function a() {
    var F;
    return F = function() {};

  function b() {
    var C;
    return C = class {};


  function c() {
    return function F() {};

  function d() {
    return class C {};

Or yield in generators?

  function * a() {
    var F;
    yield F = function F() {};

  function * b() {
    var C;
    yield C = class C {};


  function * c() {
    yield function F() {};

  function * d() {
    yield class C {};

>> But if you used the `export Declaration` form, it will work (as it does
>> today, without `export` of course):
>>   export class C {}
>>   var c = new C();
>>   export function F() {}
>>   var f = new F();
> Right.  The lack of equals sign shows us that this is clearly a
> declaration.

>>> Node users don't elide the equals sign, do they?
>>>     module.exports = whateva;
>>> So why are we?
>> To make a single form that works across platforms (ie. an amd module
>> doesn't "just work" in node and vice versa). I don't think this is strong
>> enough to be considered a valid counter-point, I recommend not pursuing it.
>> `export default function() {}` will work the same way on all platforms.
> Sorry, I don't understand this.  ES6 modules, whatever they are, will be
> the same across platforms.

Isn't that exactly what I said? You asked "So why are we?", I answered "To
make a single form that works across platforms" and added that amd and cjs
don't "just work" together. Then I concluded by with a specific example,
but surely that wasn't too misleading?

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