On Mar 26, 2014, at 11:24 AM, Jason Orendorff wrote:

>    "use strict";
>    function Pony() {}
>    Object.freeze(Object.prototype);
>    Pony.prototype.toString = function () { return "Pony"; };
> The last line here throws a TypeError in ES5 and ES6.*  Can we change
> it? To me, it stands to reason that you should be able to freeze
> Object.prototype and not break your other code, as long as that code
> doesn't actually try to modify Object.prototype.
> This bit some Mozilla hackers in <http://bugzil.la/980752>.
> Compatibility: Changing from throwing to not-throwing is usually ok.
> In addition, I don't think Chrome implements this TypeError. So
> presumably the web can't be depending on the exception.

This change would not just eliminating a throw in strict mode.  It is also 
change sloppy mode behavior where such assignments have been silently ignored 
since ES1. It would be a fundamental change to the meaning of the [[Writable]] 
property attribute. 

see http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=strawman:fixing_override_mistake 
(and links from that page)
also see the recent discussion at 

So far we have not been able to reach a consensus on changing this.  I don't 
know whether report actually adds any new information or whether it will help 
develop a consensus.


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