
Cool. I will fix the debug.js adaptor
a) to fix the bug Boris reported,
b) to map the FF nested format to the v8 nested format, and
c) to preserve this information from the v8 API so that it appears
correctly on v8 as well.
This will require extending the Causeway stack trace format (an encoding of
stack trace info into JSON), which looks like it should be straightforward.

Once extended in this way, would it be useful to standardize the Causeway
stack trace representation, so others can avoid trying to parse the stack
trace strings with regexps?

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 3:09 PM, Christian Plesner Hansen <c...@p5r.org>wrote:

>  Yes: https://code.google.com/p/v8/wiki/JavaScriptStackTraceApi
> c
> On Thu, Mar 27, 2014, at 03:06 PM, Mark Miller wrote:
> I wasn't aware that v8 does that. Is this format documented anywhere?
> On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 2:23 PM, Christian Plesner Hansen <c...@p5r.org>wrote:
> >     js> try { eval("eval('FAIL')"); } catch (x) { print(x.stack); }
>  >     @typein line 2 > eval line 1 > eval:1:1
>  >     @typein line 2 > eval:1:1
>  >     @typein:2:7
> I'm unclear on what the problem is with nested evals -- you get
>  essentially the same information from v8:
>  js> try { eval("eval('FAIL')"); } catch (x) { console.log(x.stack); }
>  ReferenceError: FAIL is not defined
>      at eval (eval at <anonymous> (eval at <anonymous> (repl:1:7)),
>      <anonymous>:1:1)
>      at eval (eval at <anonymous> (repl:1:7), <anonymous>:1:1)
>      at repl:1:7
>  c
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