Le 5 mai 2014 à 09:54, Mathias Bynens <math...@qiwi.be> a écrit :

> On 5 May 2014, at 00:00, Andrea Giammarchi <andrea.giammar...@gmail.com> 
> wrote:
>> as generic global utility it would be also nice to make it compatible with 
>> all strings.
> For backwards compatibility reasons, `atob`/`btoa` should probably continue 
> to work in exactly the same way they work now (i.e as per 
> http://whatwg.org/html/webappapis.html#atob). Otherwise, any existing code 
> that uses `atob`/`btoa` before UTF-8-decoding or after UTF-8-encoding, 
> including your snippet, would suddenly break.
> Like you demonstrated, it’s easy enough to encode or decode the input using 
> UTF-8 or any other character encoding before passing to `atob`/`btoa`. (E.g. 
> http://mothereff.in/base64)

I'd say that it is "hacky enough" rather than "easy enough" to encode or decode 
the input using UTF-8. In my view, if `atob` and `btoa` were to enter in ES, it 
should be in Appendix B (the deprecated legacy features of web browsers), where 
it would be in good company with the other utility that does an implicit 
confusion between binary and ISO-8859-1-encoded strings, namely 
`escape/unescape`.  We should be able to define a better designed function (and 
with a less silly name, while we're at it).

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