I have a syntax proposal, but it goes along with a slightly different way of 
thinking of this.
The proposed bind operator[1] can take a function which acts as a method and 
make a call to it with a specific receiver without the receiver needing to have 
the method defined as a property (basically a nicer syntax for `call` and 
`apply`).  Given a bind operator, this problem reduces to just having a way to 
take a function and turn its first argument into its `this`.  So good syntax 
can be achieved in two steps.
Steps:1. Turn the function into a method.2. Invoke with bind operator.
To solve step 1, we could have something like `Function.curryThis` which does 
the opposite of "uncurryThis":
    Function.curryThis = function(f) {        return function(...args) {        
    return f(this, ...args);        };    };
Example use:
    // ES5    Array.from(obj);
    // Proposal    var toArray = Function.curryThis(Array.from);    
Another example:
    // ES5    Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.HTMLFormElement.prototype, 
    // Proposal    var getOwnPropertyDescriptor = 
Perhaps sugar could be added to do both steps in one with another operator (say 
    // ES5    Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(window.HTMLFormElement.prototype, 
    // Proposal    
It's the same proposal as yours with slightly different syntax.  And I think 
the syntax makes some sense given a bind operator `::`.
[1] http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=strawman:bind_operator

Date: Tue, 27 May 2014 11:04:52 -0400
Subject: Re: Syntactic sugar for using a function as if it were a method of     
its first argument
From: jstpie...@mecheye.net
To: claude.pa...@gmail.com
CC: es-discuss@mozilla.org

It's fairly incomprehensible to me, and doesn't really have any advantages over 
writing it out the long way:



They're both the same line length. I find the former more direct and the latter 
more confusing. Namely, the whole ('elements') looks like a method call 
containing one argument, rather than having a secret hidden argument as its 

On Tue, May 27, 2014 at 4:17 AM, Claude Pache <claude.pa...@gmail.com> wrote:

Often a function can be thought as if it were a method of its first argument. 

        Array.from(obj);   /* vs */   obj.toString()

        Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);   /* vs */   obj.__proto__

        Array.forEach(obj, func);   /* vs */   obj.forEach(func)

        Math.clz32(num);   /* vs */   num.toFixed(2)

and note the inversion of the order of the terms.

So, I propose to introduce syntactic sugar to replace the terms in correct 
order, e.g.,


        // or (to be bikeshed)


as a synonym of:

        Bar.baz(foo, ...args)

Here are two examples of use:


 => e.value).join(',')

The wins are:

* a strict left-to-right order, instead of having methods appearing 
alternatively at the right and at the left of its main operand, thus improving 

* enabling the use of the Existential Operator for the new form, e.g.:


(Note that `?{` suffers from the same grammar problem as `?[` and `?(`, and the 
due fix for the two latter would also fix the former.)



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