> I thought SPDY was, to quote wikipedia, about: "reducing web page load 
> latency and improving web security"
> How does SPDY help when the issue is lots of small requests ping ponging back 
> and forth between client and server?

SPDY multiplexes the requests across the same connection, which is essentially 
a runtime bundling process at the browser level without the hazards of doing it 
manually, and getting the benefit of the granular caching at the browser level.

> (Do we want to wait for SPDY in every browser before we use ES6 modules?)

All major browsers (including safari) support SPDY today. But the point is, we 
should not consider "bundling" as a prime use-case for modules, because it is 
not going to be important at all. If people want to do bundling, they will have 
plenty of options to do so, even with the current module specs.

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