Domenic Denicola wrote:
From: es-discuss [] On Behalf Of Brendan 

>  See Allen's latest followup on this -- is it a static error to have both 
constructor and the static []() method?

IMO it shouldn't be, because it'd be weird to get an error for `constructor` + `static 
[]()`, but to not get an error for `constructor` + `static [Symbol["n" + 
"ew"]]()` and similar.

Silly me -- strike that "static" before "error" -- it still could be a strict error, but see latest meeting minutes where MarkM changed his position (cited below).

Another way of guiding the decision: I don't quite recall where the spec landed `{ x: 1, 
["x"]: 2 }`, but we should probably be consistent with that.

*Mark Miller:* I am ok with removing the constraint that duplicate dynamic object properties throw (in strict mode) with the caveat that we also remove the same constraint for duplicate static properties.


Still, in this case we have a ClassElement special form, constructor(){}. This distinction adds a choice not present in the ObjectLiteral case: to have a strict (dynamic) error on duplicate name.

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