, InstantiateSucceeded(instantiateResult) Functions

The step number 4 reads:
If instantiateResult is undefined, then

Let body be the result of parsing load.[[Source]], interpreted as UTF-16
encoded Unicode text as described in 10.1.1, using Module as the goal
symbol. Throw a SyntaxError exception if the parse fails or if any static
semantics errors are detected.
Set load.[[Body]] to body.
Set load.[[Kind]] to declarative.
Let depsList be the ModuleRequests of body.

While trying to use es6-module-loader,, as the Loader in
Traceur,, rather than our
current TraceurLoader, it became clear that the above step 4 would be
architecturally clearer if it were a hook comparable to
normalize/locate/fetch...  For example:
    parse(load) -> depsList
nicely fulfills the requirements of step 4.  The loader.js file in shows the
consequences in source that follows the spec.

Adding `parse` as a Loader hook allows customization of the declarative
path of the Loader.   This mechanism is a good fit for Traceur, providing
evidence that this API would prove useful.

Please consider adding a `parse()` hook to the Loader.

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