As far as I can tell you are basically arguing that simple Loader hooks
don't need object state. Of course that is true.

And sure we can write code that carefully and cleverly avoids using 'this'.
Why? ES6 added classes because this is often the clearest way to structure
more complex systems.

In my case the LoaderHooks.normalize() function needs to mark names as
originating from 'script' rather than 'module' based on the name (eg
'script:' or in my case trailing ',script'.  The marking table needs to be
on 'this'.

I extend LoaderHooks to InterceptOuputLoaderHooks which calls
this.onTranscoded() to copy the transcoded results from load to listeners.
 But my real point is why should I have to think about 'this' binding in

We don't need to use an old school API now, we have ES6.


On Mon, Aug 4, 2014 at 6:29 AM, Axel Rauschmayer <> wrote:

> On Aug 4, 2014, at 15:16 , Juan Ignacio Dopazo <>
> wrote:
> In practice we've found that we rarely use the "new Loader(hooks)` option
> and instead this is more common:
> var loader = new Loader();
> var loaderFetch = loader.fetch.bind(loader);
> loader.fetch = function (loadRecord) {
>   // do something
>   return loaderFetch(loadRecord);
> };
> Why not like this then? You’d need (a compiler for) ES6, though.
> ```js
> class MyLoader extends Loader {
>     fetch(loadRecord) {
>         // do something
>         return super(loadRecord);
>     }
> }
> let loader = new MyLoader();
> ```
> --
> Dr. Axel Rauschmayer
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