Kevin Smith wrote:
That sounds good (although I haven't thought it through), but is that plan incompatible with comprehensions as a syntactic convenience?

Which comprehensions? Array comps, no, but see my next mail about the generalized from 1 to N point, no pmap/mappar, etc.

Generator expressions AKA generator comprehensions are less well-motivated, even though laziness is absolutely required for (e.g.) Norvig's Sudoku solver not to diverge. The use of () -- already an overloaded delimiter pair -- and the 1 vs. N problem bite harder there.

Sure, we could have array comprehensions and the more general LINQ-style syntax+protocols together. But it's plausible based on Dave's gists that we won't need much or any syntax, and TC39 isn't willing to call that right now given how ES6 has slipped. So "defer" or "cut" (what's the diff? Main thing is to get to rapid-er release and ES7/8/etc. or "annuals") won.

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