On Mon, 18 Aug 2014, John Barton wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 10:55 AM, Ian Hickson <i...@hixie.ch> wrote:
> > On Wed, 13 Aug 2014, Ian Hickson wrote:
> > >
> > > One of the problems I'm running into when it comes to trying to 
> > > integrate ES6 modules with HTML and new HTML-based dependency 
> > > features is the way that I can't tell ES about dependencies I know 
> > > about before the data is actually fetched and instantiated.
> >
> > Another example of where we have something like this is HTML imports. 
> > The "fetch" hook for HTML imports needs to actually be the hook that 
> > does all the parsing, since HTML loads incrementally. (For HTML 
> > imports, the "translate" and "instantiate" hooks are essentially 
> > no-ops.) This means that the in-band dependencies for HTML imports are 
> > found during the "fetch" hook, and need to be set up right away. For 
> > example, if an HTML import contains a <script type=module> block, that 
> > inline module needs to be added as dependency of the import itself (so 
> > that the import's 'load' event doesn't fire until all internal modules 
> > are loaded). It it contains an <img src=""> element, that needs to be 
> > added as a dependency as its loading. This is similar to the 
> > "instantiate" hook adding dependencies, except that it has to happen 
> > earlier due to the incremental parsing.
> Can we explore the opposite question: how much does the HTML dependency 
> problem really overlap the ES dependency problem?

As far as I can tell they're the same problem. At the simplest level, if 
we want it to be possible for one inline module to reference another 
inline module, then they're in fact exactly the same. Similarly if an HTML 
import contains a module and another HTML import contains a module, and 
they need to reference each other, then they're the same problem. HTML 
imports can also import style sheets and images and so on. Images can be 
imported by HTML documents that aren't imports. The transitive closure of 
the problem that includes ES6 Modules being downloaded is the entire Web 
platform's loading mechanism. Plus, if we want to make sure that ES6 
module loading participates in the Web platform's Service Workers and 
Fetch infrastructures, they need to be implemented in a manner consistent 
with other loads.

The alternative is a lot of redundant code. I could be wrong, maybe 
browser vendors really do want to write dependency systems twice. I 
haven't heard one way or the other from browser vendors in this thread, so 
it's hard to tell.

> To the first approximation these are the same problem: given the root of 
> graph, load all of the nodes of the graph. The solution to this generic 
> problem is well known and the code, while not trivial, is not very 
> complex.
> As soon as we go beyond this first level, the problems diverge. In fact 
> I think your posts make the case that the character of these problems 
> differ on so many points that code reuse is unlikely and algorithm reuse 
> unwise.

I disagree. The problems seem very similar and more than just reuse code, 
they can just be the same code. There's actually very few problems that 
need changes to the module loading mechanism, and all those problems would 
benefit ES6 modules alone, as far as I can tell.

> In particular the reason we -- 'we' being you and me -- can't understand 
> the ES spec is (evidently) that it supports loading a graph of mixed 
> nodes (ES and legacy) with different assumptions about circular 
> references.

I think I have a pretty clear grip on the ES6 module spec at this point, 
FWIW. I just think a few things need tweaking to support the Web.

> HTML is unlikely to have the identical requirements on circular 
> references and it's legacy (script tags, document.write, mutable 
> declarations, HTML imports) has quite different issues.

The ES6 module system is mostly already generic enough to handle most of 
these cases. The problems are mostly around needing more control over 
metadata (to distinguish CSS loads from ES loads, e.g. -- or indeed, to 
distinguish ES Module loads from legacy ES async script loads), needing to 
be able to manage dependencies for a load before its instantiate hook 
(useful for legacy JS module loaders, and for making it possible to 
preload ES6 modules), and needing to be able to delay execution (e.g. so 
that ES6 modules can be preparsed but not executed until needed).

> It seems to me that a better design for HTML dependency loading would 
> integrate with the ES Loader rather than attempt to mutate it.

I don't understand the difference. How do I "integrate" without 
duplicating requirements (e.g. having to manage the dependency tree twice) 
if the ES6 module loader doesn't support the requirements?

Ian Hickson               U+1047E                )\._.,--....,'``.    fL
http://ln.hixie.ch/       U+263A                /,   _.. \   _\  ;`._ ,.
Things that are impossible just take longer.   `._.-(,_..'--(,_..'`-.;.'
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