On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 10:07 AM, Guy Bedford <guybedf...@gmail.com> wrote:

> The question of whether a file is a module or script is the same problem
> as to whether a module is ES6 or AMD or CommonJS.
> Moving it to the extension makes as much sense as having every CommonJS
> module written as `script.cjs`.

I don't think these are the same problem. Existing JS, AMD and CommonJS can
be parsed by the same parser, the ES6 Script parser. They can't be parsed
by the ES6 Module parser.  It is a problem, just not the same as this one.

> We know that we need outside metadata to work out how to interpret
> modules, and that the loader will have meta-configuration injection at some
> level, not determined by TC39.

One of the purposes of having modules in ES was to unify the module work in
mode and browser. Having two or more incompatible meta-data solutions to
this simple problem will defeat that goal.

> In NodeJS, this can be through `package.json` properties which inform what
> module format the package is. In the browser, this could be a header, or
> part of package configuration.
> John, in your case specifically, it would be good to get more background
> to understand what type of meta process is most suitable.

What more can I say? Some files need to be parsed as Script and some as
Module.   Sometimes they are in the same project and sometimes in the same
directory.  They work on browser and node.

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