Brendan Eich wrote:
Dean Landolt wrote:
Out of curiosity, wouldn't Object.observe require implementors to add precisely this kind of hook into the vm anyway?

No, but O.o has its own costs. See

To say a bit more, as Andreas wrote at the link above, O.o has multifarious costs todo with mutation and notification.

An unstratified and *general purpose* __noSuchProperty__ trap would impose costs on property sets as well as gets. Why "as well as"? Because of the "override mistake" where a prototype non-writable data property prevents assignment of a shadowing property; and where (symmetric to the data property case) a prototype accessor's setter must be called. If nSP is defined to do other than throw, e.g., to reify a property on demand from some peer property-space, then it must be called for both set and get in the missing case.

You could define nSP (maybe someone will, it's still tedious to guess here :-/) to apply only to get, but assuming it would work as its name and interface suggest -- for more than merely throwing an error when called -- I'm proceeding as if it must be called (if present) for missing in-not-own property on set as well as get.

The costs should accrue only if some object on the object at hand or along its prototype chain has nSP set on it, but that doesn't help much for implementors. Splitting out prototype chain walking for all gets and sets imposes high cost of code duplication and specialization in modern engines. So-called inline caches must be forked to handle both cases, if you want good performance for objects "below" the one with nSP.

Andreas can say more, but this general problem of pervasive costs and complications due to unstratified traps is exactly the reason we put metaprogramming APIs on Proxies, mostly (legacy accessors, good old o[x] for computed name x, and a few others aside).

(BTW, complaining about complexity of Proxy and Reflect is off topic, a move-the-goalposts attempt that makes me grumpy. Library code hides the details. The issue we're trying to get to is user-facing functionality, not implementation complexity inside the black box the user faces.)

When I say "TC39 wanted to let the ecosystem handle this" it was first and foremost about not rushing library design by committee, or even by champions, into a spec, when the the greater number of developers could do something better, search multiple paths in the design space, cooperate and compete, and meet the demand.

But there was also a desire not to jam more unstratified traps into objects, with their optimized hot paths. That's why proxies were added. If they can't meet the main use case that Nicholas had in mind, we should find out the hard way, from real code, not just from advance speculations.

If the main use case is to emulate (for one's own object-based abstractions) Python and other languages that do not allow obj.typo to pass without runtime error, then a library to add a proxy just below Object.prototype and above one's prototypal (constructor <=> class) hierarchy might be enough. It won't satisfy all possible use-cases, but that's a positive if it hits the main target and spares us unstratified traps hitting hot paths.

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