On Tue, Oct 7, 2014 at 8:51 AM, Kevin Smith <zenpars...@gmail.com> wrote:

>>  [1]:http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=strawman:bind_operator
>> Problem is :: vs. just dot, and now you have two problems. I'm actually
>> good with FP inside-out, could learn to love :: if we add it, but the main
>> objection IMHO is two-problems. OOP means just dot.
> That reminds me:
> https://esdiscuss.org/topic/merging-bind-syntax-with-relationships
Hi Kevin,

Somehow I had missed that post until now. Interesting! For the sake of
clarity while examining alternatives, let's assume for the moment the
following infix operators:

infix "::" for bind alone as in

infix "@" for relationships alone, as in

infix "->" for bind+relationships as you propose here.

My question is: If we have "->", how much need would there still be for
"::" or "@"? If "->" can subsume the practical need for either or both of
the others, that would be interesting.

We should postpone any further bikeshedding on which token to use for which
meaning until we understand better which ones we actually need.

> I know, OOP wins and all, but the downside is that it puts all the burden
> onto TC39 for defining a complete iterator API.  The double-colon is a bit
> nasty-looking, though...  Maybe we should consider single-arrow?
> For example:
>     import { slice, forEach } from "my-userland-iterator-lib";
>     gimmeIterator()->slice(10, 20)->forEach(x => console.log(x));
> Or for private fields:
>     import { makePrivate } from "private-fields";
>     const _x = makePrivate();
>     const _y = makePrivate();
>     class Point {
>         constructor(x, y) {
>             this->_x = x;
>             this->_y = y;
>         }
>     }
> In any case, I think a merged relationships (i.e. private fields) +
> binding mechanism would be a *huge* win for the language.
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