On Oct 14, 2014, at 8:31 PM, Kevin Smith wrote:

>  ES6 Draft 29, 
> http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=harmony:specification_drafts#october_14_2014_draft_rev_28
> This is awesome : ) 

> This includes the major work items from the September TD39 meeting.
> Changes include:
> Removed loader pipeline and Reflect.Loader API (functionality being 
> transfered to sperate specification)
> Any discussion about will author this separate spec - TC39? 
yes, same folks driving the work.  Just decoupled the specs and schedules.

> Updated default export syntax and semantics to support export of anonymous 
> default functions
> Interestingly, class expressions are not "HoistableDeclarations" which might 
> result in the (somewhat) surprising behavior previously identified:
>     export default class C { }
>     let c = new C; // Error

Hmm...I think you're right.  Not clear why classes shouldn't be default 
exports, even though they aren't hoistable. Also, since an anonymous function 
can be exported as default I don't see why an anonymous class shouldn't also be 

Should be easy things to fix. 

This is why we put drafts out for review!

thanks again,

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