
Not sure if I understand what you mean.

If standards don't "dictate", then how are we supposed to expect
interoperable implementations?

By "impossible" I suspect you mean something that browser vendors should
never do. I understand back-compatibility with the Web is a must for
browser vendors, and that is good for us developers, too. After all, that
is what "One JS" is all about.

However, it does not take a fortune teller to take minimal precautions,
such as not walking up an (extendable) prototype chain when checking for
property existence in objects. I believe future ECMAScript versions have
the right to extend built-in prototypes, and developers must be aware of
that. This, however, may not be "web-compatible", as it breaks code that
contains the aforementioned code smell.

Can the TC39 and browser vendors solve this in a reasonable manner?
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