I agree that we should come to consensus on a file extension. The argument
that "it is out of our jurisdiction" only makes sense to me if it is in
some other group's jurisdiction. AFAICT, it is not. And consensus is
needed, so let's proceed.

Is there any reason we should still limit ourselves to the traditional
three characters?
Are there any registries reliable enough to get a sense of possible
conflicts, or how bad they may be?
Once we choose an extension, what if anything should be done about
correspondence with mime type?

IIRC, the extension ".jsm" was already proposed, but may have had fatal
conflicts. To get the ball rolling, ".jsmod" ?

On Sun, Oct 19, 2014 at 8:43 PM, John Barton <johnjbar...@google.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Oct 19, 2014 at 2:23 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock <al...@wirfs-brock.com>
> wrote:
>> It is implementation dependent how it is determined whether an individual
>> file will be parsed as a Script or as a Module.
>> Axel alluded to a possible HTML extension that could be used to
>> distinguish modules from scripts.  But, exactly how modules will be
>> integrated into HTML is still under development.
>> You can imagine various ways that modules might be identified in a
>> command line environment. for example
>> js script1.js -m mod1.js -m mod2.js script2.js
>> so of us have argued that a module file extension might be useful in such
>> environments:
>> js script1.js mod1.js mod2.js script2.js
> FWIW, traceur has to use --script vs --module on the command line and
> .module.js among files otherwise parsed as script.
> You may recall that Yehuda Katz suggested on this group that a prefix
> might be used, script:file.js. To avoid long arguments about What Is a URL,
> I suggest a postfix string, file.js,script. Of course a file extension
> would be better. Many build tools use filenames and this issue puts
> practical work with ES6 at a disadvantage.
> jjb
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