Thanks for the quick reply.

My impression from reading the draft spec and looking at slide 28 of
Domenic's excellent presentation
( )

is that with your example:
    safe_html `<${x}>hello, ${u}</${x}>`
if this were run in a context where x is 'strong', and u is 'world', then
what would be equivalent to calling:

  { raw: ['<', '>hello, ', '<', '>'],
    cooked: ['<', '>hello, ', '<', '>']

While I can see how this is useful in many circumstances, I don't
immediately see how this enables the more conventional model of expansion
with an explicit dictionary under control of the caller.

I'd like to be able to do something like:

    function safe_html(template_string) {
        // note: mapping dictionary d constructed explicitly, not based on
what's in scope where template literal appeared
        var d = { x: 'strong', u: 'world'};
        return template_expand(template_string, d);

I think this requires the expansion function to be passed the exact
template string before any processing has taken place, since even 'raw'
form removes variable references. As far as I can tell this unprocessed
form of the template string isn't made available to the expansion function
in the current draft spec.  Please let me know if I'm missing something.



On Tue Oct 28 2014 at 1:44:45 PM Brendan Eich <> wrote:

> Brendan Eich wrote:
> >
> >   safe_html `<${x}>hello, ${u}</${x}>`
> >
> > But you're right, the
> > copy I'm finding
> > "template" in online does not include this prefix form. Did it get cut
> > from ES6? I thought the only debate was whether to include unprefixed
> > templates. I'm no doubt forgetting something, so cc'ing Allen.
> Thanks to Domenic for reminding me to look harder:
> Tagged templates are in ES6.
> /be
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