[ccing public-script-coord because I'm not sure what list is best for this; mostly I'm looking for feedback from other UA implementors.]

We really need to create an actual specification for WindowProxy. One of the serious problems is what to do with non-configurable properties.

Consider this testcase (live version at http://web.mit.edu/bzbarsky/www/testcases/windowproxy/non-configurable-props-1.html with slightly different logging):

  onload = function() {
    var subframe = frames[0];
    Object.defineProperty(subframe, "foo", { value: 1 });
    console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(subframe, "foo"));

    frames[0].frameElement.onload = function() {
      console.log(Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(subframe, "foo"));

    frames[0].location = "about:blank";

The console in Firefox nightly and Chrome dev shows:

  Object { configurable: false, enumerable: false, value: 1,
           writable: false }

The console in Safari 7 and WebKit nightly shows:


The console in IE 11 shows:

  [object Object]

and if I examine the actual descriptor returned, .configurable is false. No exceptions are thrown by any of the browsers.

As I understand the ES spec, none of these browsers are enforcing the fundamental invariants: three of them because they have a non-configurable property go away and one because it silently doesn't define a non-configurable property when you try to do it.

Though the Safari behavior is actually quite interesting. http://web.mit.edu/bzbarsky/www/testcases/windowproxy/non-configurable-props-2.html shows that if the property is defined from inside the subframe then getOwnPropertyDescriptor does not see it from the outside, even though from the inside it's visible. And http://web.mit.edu/bzbarsky/www/testcases/windowproxy/non-configurable-props-3.html shows that when defining from "outside" the property _is_ in fact being defined as far as scripts "inside" are concerned.

Oh, and getting .foo from "outside" returns 1, but doing getOwnPropertyDescriptor up the proto chain of "subframe" consistently returns undefined in Safari.

This last bit has nothing to do with configurability, by the way Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor returns undefined from the "outside" in general in Safari.

Per spec ES6, it seems to me like attempting to define a non-configurable property on a WindowProxy should throw and getting a property descriptor for a non-configurable property that got defined on the Window (e.g. via "var") should report it as configurable. But that matches precisely 0 UAs.... and throwing seems like a compat worry. :(

Anyway, what are reasonable behaviors here? What are UAs willing to align on?

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