Yes, if you use weak sets in combination with private symbols you can more or 
less emulate weak maps. But why not just use weak maps in that case?

From: es-discuss [] On Behalf Of Gary Guo
Sent: Sunday, December 21, 2014 07:26
Subject: RE: Proposal About Private Symbol

Oops, I forget the WeakSet. So seems my private symbol proposal can work now. 
Under very deliberately design, private symbol can be used as private field.

var constructor=function(){
    'use strict';
    var allObjects=new WeakSet();
    var privateSymbol=Symbol('private', true);
    var ret=function(){
        if(this===undefined)throw Error('Invalid Construction');
        if(!allObject.has(this))throw Error('Invalid Call');
        this[privateSymbol]=sth; // Now this can be called safely, no more 
worry about leak to Proxy

On Sun, 21 Dec 2014 12:30:46 +0100, Michal Wadas 
<<>> wrote:
>> But this is not the core of the problem. The problem is the Proxy introduced 
>> in ES6 enables an object to capture and override almost any operation on an 
>> object. Without operation on object, it becomes very costly (by using an 
>> Array of created objects and compare each of them) to identify whether a 
>> object is faked or valid.
>ES6 WeakSet provides you O(1) object check and don't cause memory leak.
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