On 1/20/15 3:13 PM, Jordan Harband wrote:
Between the two issues I proposed, I definitely think that "something
pretending to be a builtin" is far less hazardous then "altering
builtins to appear to be something else". If removing the prefixing
entirely is what it takes to make *all* (not just ES5) builtin
@@toStringTag values non-configurable, I'd be happy with that.
I don't see how that solves the problem you're trying to solve.
var arr = [];
Object.defineProperty(arr, Symbol.toStringTag,
{ value: "Date" });
In today's spec, Object.prototype.toString.call(arr) will be "[object
If the ~-prefixing is removed, this will return "[object Date]", no?
The fact that @@toStringTag is non-configurable on Array.prototype
doesn't matter, since the above code shadows it on the instance.
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