> This seems "just fine", not a problem. Yet at least for a while, possibly 
> longer than some TC39ers think, people will still say "ES6". I find Andrea's 
> WTF to be overdone, overstated -- but we shall find out. Even TC39 can make 
> changes based on wider feedback, after it has made a decision.
> The idea of a community-approved name or naming scheme brings to mind that 
> Axel wished for a "community-managed" trademark. Be careful what you wish 
> for. The Ecma TC39 renaming process (like just about any other TC39 decision 
> process) was not community-driven, with a lengthy propose/listen/dispose 
> cycle and some kind of "open governance" (however defined).
> Rather, we're still doing consensus among a mix of pay-to-play and 
> not-for-profit standard body members, where members have to build trust among 
> developers and work in Harmony, at least in the modern post-ES4 era. Renaming 
> angst, which could become an issue or just blow up for some reason we can't 
> foresee, is just one issue to address for the same of developer trust and 
> harmony.

I have never advocated design or naming by popular vote!

I don’t care what ES7 is called, but I have to decide soon on what to put on 
the cover of an ES6 book and that cover will either be inspired by a 6 or by a 
2015. This may seem trivial to others, but for me it is a real decision, which 
involves quite a bit of money.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

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