There are times where I would like to check whether a string has every
occurrence of certain strings/numbers:

var str = "John, Mary, Bob, Steve";

str.includes(["Mary", "Bob"]); // true

var str2 = "John, Mary, Steve";

str2.includes(["Mary", "Bob"]); // false


So the way the above would work would be as an AND operation. Meaning
having all of the instances of the array past in.

To use `String.prototype.includes` as an OR operation with the first
parameter being an array, wouldn't be necessary because you can use a
regular expression for that:


var str = "John, Mary, Bob, Steve";

(/Mary|Bob/g).test(str); // true

 var str2 = "John, Mary, Steve";

(/Mary|Bob/g).test(str2); // true


As of right now `String.prototype.includes` called with an array as the
first parameter will call `.toString()` on the array resulting in the

var str = "Hello World";

str.includes(["Hello", "World"]); //false because it calls ["Hello",
"World"].toString() == "Hello,World";


Pretty useless!!!

Now to achieve what I would like `String.prototype.includes` to accomplish
with an array as the first parameter, I currently take the following


var str = "John,Mary,Bob,Steve";

var names = ["Mary", "Bob"];

names.every(name => str.includes(name)); // true;

//Or perhaps make it a function:

function stringIncludes(str, names) {
  if(names) {
     return names.every(name => str.includes(name));
  return false;

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