On Sun, Mar 29, 2015 at 10:49 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock <al...@wirfs-brock.com>

> > On Mar 29, 2015, at 11:51 PM, Caitlin Potter <caitpotte...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> >
> > ...
> >
> > Reflect.isConstructor(fn) -> true if Class constructor, generator, or
> legacy (and non-builtin) function syntactic form
> > Reflect.isCallable(fn) -> true for pretty much any function, except for
> class constructors and a few builtins
> I’ve already seen another situation (node’s Buffer) where code could be
> simplified by using a ES6 class definition but where that is prevented
> because a class constructor throws when called.
> Just to clarify something.  Class constructors actually are “callable”.
> You can observe this by the fact that Proxy allows you to install an
> “apply” handler (the reification of the [[[Call]] internal method) on a
> class constructor.   The the fact that an object can be [[Call]]’ed is
> already reflected  by the typeof operator.  Class constructors throw when
> called because at the last minute we choose to make their [[Call]] do an
> explicit throw not because they aren’t callable.
> There is no intrinsic reason why we needed to mandate that class
> constructors should throw when called.  We even provided a simple and
> straight forward way (new.target===undefined) that a ES constructor body
> can use to determine whether it was called or new’ed.
> I think we should just drop that throws when called feature of class
> constructors..

> (The restriction was added to future proof for the possibility of
> inventing some other way to provide a class with distinct new/call
> behavior. I don’t think we need nor can afford to wait for the invention of
> a new mechanism which will inevitably be more complex than new.target,
> which we already have.)

I don't think this is an accurate representation of the discussion we had.

> Allen
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