One advantage of this approach is that more "spec magic" can be implemented
in terms of the language - it would also make subclassed arrays more
versatile instead of having to always be a Proxy.

On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 11:35 AM, Axel Rauschmayer <> wrote:

> Proxies should be enough for this. Is there any reason not to use them?
> On 09 Apr 2015, at 20:31, Kos Ddsky <> wrote:
> ( note: you can view this message as a gist @ 
> )
> Currently we can imitate Arrays only with objects, where we would refer to a 
> value at some position via referring to objects property ( with integer index 
> being converted to a string )
> ```js
> var arr = {
>   "0" : "zero",
>   "1" : "one"
> };
> arr[ 1 ];
> ```
> But we wouldn't get all those features that original Array has (like length 
> autoincremention, splice, split etc.)
> So, the suggestion is to have WKS for getting and setting item in array by 
> index.
> ```js
> get [ Symbol.Array.item ] ( index ){ /*returning code here*/  }
> set [ Symbol.Array.item ] ( index ){ /*setter code here*/ }
> ```
> -or-
> ```js
> [ Symbol.Array.get ] ( index ){ /*returning code here*/ }
> [ Symbol.Array.set ] ( index ){ /*setter code here*/ }
> ```
> ## Possible usecases
> ### readonly array
> will throw if user tries to set item directly via index
> ```js
> class ROArray extends Array {
>   constructor( initialValues ){
>     // init the array values here
>   }
>   [ Symbol.Array.set ] ( index ){
>     throw 'can`t set';
>   }
>   [ Symbol.Array.get ] ( index ){
>     return this[ index ];
>   }
> }
> ```
> ### template-like behavior
> items getter will wrap the value into a tag
> ```js
> class LITemplateArray extends Array {
>   set tag ( tag ){
>     this._tag  = tag;
>   }
>   [ Symbol.Array.get ] ( index ){
>     var tag = this._tag || 'li',
>           value = this[ index ];
>     return `<${ tag }>${value}</${tag}>`;
>   }
> }
> ```
> /*this is my first thread here, so I'm sorry if being wrong somewhere*/
> /*after googling around, I haven't found such suggestion. though could easily 
> miss that*/
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