FWIW: agreed with others, it looks a pretty pointless sugar.
It doesn't seem to bring anything new or "that needed" to the language.

-1 here

On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 2:04 PM, liorean <lior...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Do we really need it?
> Your «foo(1, ?, 2);» is equivalent to «a=>foo(1,a,2)».
> Your «foo(?, 1, ???);» is equivalent to «(a,...b)=>foo(a,1,...b)».
> Your «foo(1, ???, 2);» is equivalent to «(...a)=>foo(...[1,...a,2])».
> Also, the ? token is already taken by the ternary conditional
> operator. Do we really want to overload it here for a nullary
> operator/special form, when we have as low overhead syntax as we
> already do in fat arrows for doing the exact same thing?
> --
> David "liorean" Andersson
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